Frequently Asked Questions
1. What date will my child start Kindy?
Kindergarten commences in Term 1 Monday Week 2. We will inform you of the date closer to the new year.
All Kindergarten students will be required to come into the school during a scheduled time before the start date to interview with their teacher.This will occur in Term 1 Week 1. The program called Best Start, will allow students to meet the Kindergarten teacher and show what they know to allow for effective planning in the first few weeks of school.
2. What are the school hours?
Morning bell: 8.30am - Teacher on duty, students must be at Centipede (before and after school care) prior to 8.30am
Class begins: 9.15am
Recess: 11.15am – 11.35
Lunch: 1.00pm – 1.15pm (eating time in classrooms) 1.15pm-1.45pm (playground)
School ends: 3.00pm
3. When can I buy the school uniform and how many should I buy?
Best Start interviews are in the first week of Term 1. This is an appropriate time to buy your child's uniform. Quantity of uniforms is your preference. Please note, we may not have stock for winter clothes during the early term months.
4. Do we pay school fees?
At Glebe PS there are no school fees. However, we do encourage a voluntary contribution to assist with general classroom supplies. All sport, excursion and any other fees are invoiced as they occur. Payment can be made at the school office by EFTPOS or cash, or online through the 'Make a Payment' link or via the School Bytes link in our payment reminder emails.
5. How do I book my child into before and after school care?
Centipede is our morning, afternoon and holiday school care provider. Students must be registered and may attend on a casual or permanent basis. It is requested that you register at the beginning of each year.
Operating hours: Before school: 7.15am – 8.45am After school: 3.00pm – 6.00pm Phone: 9692 0663
6. Do you have a get ready for school program?
We offer a combination of online and face-to-face experiences to support your child to prepare for kindergarten, dependent on social distancing regulations.
Upon enrolment you gain access to our online and face-to-face kindergarten transition program when it becomes available.
7. What should I pack in my child's bag?
We encourage regular healthy eating habits. Students need a small serving of fruit/vegetables for 'Munch n Crunch' at 10:15 in the classroom, a healthy snack for the first break at 11:15 and lunch at 1:00. Please provide a water bottle.
Staff and students wear a hat when outside to adhere to our Sun Safety rules on our playground.
Packing a spare change of clothes is advised in case of emergency or illness.
Upon commencing Kindergarten, classroom teachers may require additional items in the backpack (library bag, reading folder etc).
Please remember to label all items with your child's full name.